More than one month ago I attended SwiftConf in Cologne. It was my first developer conference ever and I really enjoyed it.
Earlier this month the Macoun took place in Frankfurt, another conference I wanted to attend. Unfortunately I just came back from the US - I spent two weeks on holiday there - and suffered from jetlag, so I missed it.
A few days ago Marco Oerter wrote a tweet, asking for "interesting conferences in Germany" next to Macoun, UIKonf and SwiftConf. Turns out: There are no other "interesting conferences" in Germany for iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS-devs.
As I'm a barcamp addict - I really like the atmosphere there, the people are awesome, and the food is (mostly) great. Did I mention the food? The people? The atmosphere? - I thought: Hm, why not combine iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS-development and barcamp?
If you don't know, what this barcamp-thingy is (and are too lazy, to follow the link ;) ): A barcamp is a kind of a special conference. For those german-speaking folks: Jan Theofel explains the concept in a short video much better than I ever could.
A quick google search revealed, that I'm not the first one who had this idea. There was already a Cocoacamp in Atlanta, GA back in 2010. But Atlanta, GA is not Berlin, Berlin and 2010 is not 2016. Another mobile-developer-camp is the Appdevcamp in Graz, Austria. This camp focuses on app development in general. But, again, this is not Berlin. In San Jose, there's also the [iOS Dev Camp](], which takes place every year since 2007. But again: This isn't Berlin ;)
So, to make it short: I'd like to organize a iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS-developer-barcamp in Berlin, which should take place probably in late 2017.
As a founding member of the team, who organizes the Barcamp Rhein-Neckar 2015 and 2016, I know, how much work organizing a barcamp can be and so I don't like to lift the organization of the macOS/iOS/watchOS/tvOS-developer-barcamp alone (Maybe we should call this thing just campOS?).
So what's next? I want you to tell me, what you think about this idea. Would you attend? Would you like to help organizing it? Would you be a sponsor? If you say "Yay, #campOS for president!" - at least it isn't Trump! - "Interesting, tell me more." or "How can I help you?" then leave a comment, send me a tweet or an email. I would organize a table for a meetup, that we can start organizing this event. So now it's up to you!